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The Avenger Pro is a high quality light gun which was distributed by Fire International using their Blaze brand. It supports the Sony PlayStation in normal and GunCon mode. Furthermore it is Sega Saturn compatible. Visually the gun is heavily inspired by the Namco G-Con 45. Internally however the gun comes with a slew of additional features. The shell of the Avenger Pro isn't a blatant copy but a sophisticated miniaturization. It isn't much smaller, but the difference is very noticeable in usage. Compared to another GunCon copy called Super Jolt gun, which I have reviewed in episode 129, the Avenger Pro is superior in almost every way.
Although the button placement looks very similar to the one of the original it isn't. While the A button is at its proper place, B is at the left hand side as a fake slide release lever which is labeled as "Start". What normally would be the B button acts as "off screen shoot" reloading button. Next to it is a switch which selects the fire mode. Normal, auto reload and auto reload plus auto fire are the available choices. The capacity is fife shots. Similarly as the Desert Eagle shown in episode 168 the gun doesn't reload after five shots, but needs to have the trigger pressed once more to reload and won't shoot doing so. Right to the A button is the gun mode switch and the On/Off switch for the force feedback. The blow back action is either powered by batteries stored in the front of the gun or by a 4.5 V center positive power supply. The feedback is strong and quite fast. The slide keeps cycling while the trigger is kept pressed. If the trigger is pulled just very briefly the feedback action won't engage correctly and feels underwhelming. This situation requires some time to get used to as for the controller's biggest flaw: The trigger. While the gun uses real clicky micro switches they actuate too far back and worse yet the strange two switches design of the Blaze Scorpion was copied. I speak in more detail of this design in episode 115. Basically instead of using logic or a timer circuit the trigger simply actuates two switches. One as the trigger and one for the activation of the force feedback. In the Avenger Pro the switches are better synchronized and therefore I am far less annoyed.
Next to the DC barrel socket for the force feedback power supply is a Mini-DIN 4 socket which can be connected with the included reload pedal. This pedal looks and feels great. It uses a clicky micro switch. The textured surface encourages the player to stand on its pedestal which gives it great stability.
The gun almost feels as nice to hold as a real Namco G-Con 45. The ergonomic grip cut out of the original was copied. As the gun is smaller the A button is better reachable. The weight of the gun is well balanced. The sight picture works well, but it is a bit disturbed by a screw which penetrates the front sight.
In GunCon mode accuracy and precision are decent. On the bottom of the screen is a narrow dead zone which for many games is too small to be of relevance. In normal gun mode there is no dead zone anymore. Even better accuracy and precision are vastly improved and are very good in this mode. Sadly in normal gun mode the off screen shoot reloading button doesn't work reliably. In Sega Saturn mode accuracy and precision are again very good.
Personally I like the Avenger Pro. I think it looks gorgeous. As a huge Namco and G-Con 45 fan I strongly approve this heavily inspired gun. I wouldn't consider actually using it though because of the annoying trigger and I am not fond of the B button location. I would recommend this gun to GunCon enthusiasts who wished their gun had force feedback and to those who always wanted to use a GunCon on a Sega Saturn.
The box looks rather plain but still intriguing. The utilized image of the pistol is peculiarly blurry. Furthermore it puzzles me why the functions of the gun are explained using images of colored Walther PPKs. Especially the symbol which is used to advertise the force feedback is way out of place and would be better suited for rumble based force feedback guns.